Collections of degree Certificates
Dear Students, I am pleased to inform you that the Degree Certificates for the External Degrees BSc. (External) in Electronic and Automation Technologies and BSc. (External) in Financial Engineering of the 2017 Batch are ready for the collection. Degree certificates will be issued on 06th ,07th, 08th, 09th and 10th of December 2021 from 9.00am to 3.00pm at Cyber Campus Office. Students should come in person to collect the Degree Certificate and it is required to […]
Collections of Academic Transcripts
Dear Students, We are pleased to inform you that the Academic Transcripts for the External Degrees BSc. (External) in Electronics and Automation Technologies and External Degrees BSc. (External) in Financial Engineering of the 2018 Batch are ready for the collection. Academic Transcripts will be issued on 6th, 7th and 8th of October 2021 from […]
REMINDER: Submission of Required documents for External Degrees
Dear students, For the completion of external degree program, BSc (External) in Electronics and Automation Technologies / BSc (External) in Financial Engineering, you are required to submit the relevant documents to the Cyber Campus as we in樂威壯 formed (Affidavit / NIC/ Original Birth Certificate/ Original A/L Certificate issued by the Department of Examination etc.).In order to complete your degree program, you […]
New Admission 2021
‘Cyber Campus’- Centre for Open & Distance Learning – University of Colombo has commenced accepting applications for B.Sc. in Electronics & Automation Technologies and B.Sc. in Financial Engineering Programs. Apply before 10th October 2020 via
Collections of Academic Transcripts and Temporary Degree Certificates
Dear Students, I am pleased to inform you that the Academic Transcripts and Temporary Degree Certificates for the External Degrees BSc. (External) in Electronics and Automation Technologies and BSc. (External) in Financial Engineering of the 2017 Batch are ready for the collection. Academic Transcripts and Temporary Degree Certificates will be issued on 29th & 30th of August from 9.00am to […]
Free access to the University LMS
All Internet Service Providers (ISPs) of Srl Lanka are providing free access to the University Hosted W樂威壯 eb servers (including LMSs). That is, the connectivity to University web servers (including LMS) from your home and mobile In犀利士 ternet will not be counted towards your data packages (will be provided free of charge).
To offer all university students the facility of free access to university/ faculty web and proceed with their online learning activities
犀利士 With the closure of the universities, the disruption caused to academic activities is enormous a樂威壯 nd in order to minimize the damage caused to academic career of students, UGC has taken steps to offer all university students the facility of free access to university/faculty web and proceed with their online learning activities. You […]
Closure of the University
樂威壯 >The University will be close樂威壯 d as a precautionary measure for all students for two weeks from today, 13.03.2020 due to the global health concern on COVID 19. Professor Chandrika N WijeyarathneVice Chancellor13.03.2020